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~ September 04, 2003 - 1:58 p.m. ~
Addicted to the Stage

Which LOTR Guy Will Give You A Fab Birthday Gift? by DarkRose
Favorite Color
Who Gives You The GiftOrlando Bloom
What They Give YouSkiing in the Swiss Alps
Estimated Value$2,106
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

I got a huge kick out of this considering that Orlando Bloom is my least favorite LOTR actor (call me crazy, but I'd really prefer to chill out with Ian McKellen!) and I've only been skiing once. That that sure as fuck wasn't the Alps!

I'm going to meet with Professor V today regarding my Tain performance. For those who haven't heard yet, uh, actually, I better just start at the begining.

Last spring semester, I was so crazed with working on my production of "King Lear" that I really neglected most of my classes. Sadly, one of these was my Medieval and Renn. seminar on the importance of the Bible in daily medieval life. This was an uber-important class, and I needed not only to pass it with a C or higher to graduate, but I really needed an A both to graduate magna cum laude, but also for my transcript to apply to grad schools. About half way through the semester, Prof V called me in to see her regarding this class. She told me that Prof O, who was one of her former students, had told her really wonderful things about me. In fact, Prof O raved at some length about what an intelligent, dedicated scholar I was, how I was a joy to have in class, and how inimated I could make a class discussion. Prof V told me all this, and then said that, given this glowing report, I was a huge disapointment! To be perfectly honest, she was right. I was barely keeping up with my reading, so I never participated. I had skipped a couple of classes, I had failed to do several homework assignments, and I regularly ate or fell asleep in class. Prof V ripped me a new one, and I can't say that I didn't deserve it.

I spent the rest of the semester killing myself to live up to Prof O's report of my scholastic behavior, and eventually, Prof V came to like me and keep me after class just to chat. This was a huge relief because I've always gotten along with my professors. When finals rolled around, she told us that we could either write a 15 page essay or do a performance piece at a Med and Renn symposium they would be holding the same day as our final paper would be due. Since I had my hideous 20 page independant study still to research, I opted for the performance. Prof V worked with me to help me choose a piece, and we agreed on "Samson Dux Fortissime," a Latin lai that I would perform partiall in Latin and partially in English. I learned the entire 200-index card long piece in a week, and with shaking knees, gave my performance in front of a bevy of visiting experts, former professors, and total strangers. To my shock, I recieved a standing ovation (the only one that night), and there was an actual line of people waiting to talk to me afterwards. Prof V was practically floating with joy. She shook my hand vigorously (she kind of reminds me of Bilbo, now that I think of it) and asked to see me in her office the next day.

At this point, Prof V asked me if, despite my graduation, I would be interested in returning next year to give performances for classes and academic conferences and the like. Naturally I accepted, at which point she told me that she would make the venture worth my while, academically speaking. One of her former students is now the chair of the Celtic Studies department of the University of Glasgow, and she voluteenered to help me contact him when I was ready to apply to grad schools.

So now my first performance is approaching, excitingly enough, and I am performing two short exerpts from the Tain Bo Cuailnge (The Cattle Raid of Cooley), the epic poem of Ireland. I am very excited, and I can't wait to get started. On the same sort of performancy vein, Stockmann and I are starting a theatre company. Less than five month after our graduation, and already we both miss the stage! We plan to star writing for grant money just as soon as we pick a show and figure out how much it will cost to produce it. I'm thrilled I got him to agree to this, and pAndi has been seduced into being our PR monkey with the bribe of empanadas! We'll probably start with Shakespeare (sorry Elwen, Stockmann is really sick of Midsummernight's Dream, so it will be something else), but eventually we might do some of my own shows. Our goal is not to have to pay royalties!

Hmm, I think that enormous batch of pesto I made yesterday is calling to me . . .

Worst Wednesday Ever - June 30, 2004
Worst Wednesday Ever - June 30, 2004
Theraputic Tofu - June 26, 2004
Quick Note from Vermont - June 17, 2004
No Apologies - May 29, 2004

Created by Andi C. (02.21.2003)
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