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~ February 18, 2004 - 12:13 a.m. ~
Going Back

Too long since I updated. The long story short is a had a job at Barnes and Noble (more on that later) but was unable to keep it because the senior manager is a prick. So I'm back on the hunt, which sucks, but at least I have more resume fodder, and the assurances of the other mangers that there will be a place for me on the B&N staff as soon as they can will it so.

In other news, last night I tasted heaven in the form of a deep fried Mars bar. I wanted to hate it; in fact, I ordered it solely to prove to myself that the Brit-hype surrounding the Glory That Is Deep-Fried Mars Bar was bunk. But alas, it was probably one of the most glorious things my palate has ever encountered, and this is from a girl who has eaten in some of the finest restaurants in Paris. What is wrong with me? Would the good folk at Taillevent be as likely to swoon over this fatty confection as I am? Because I've had Taillevent's chocolate orange souffl� cake, and I've gotta tell you that it�s a really tough call.

And finally, making the following quiz even more relevant, I bit the bullet and went back to therapy three weeks ago. I forget if I ever announced that I was in therapy in the first place here, but I was, last year at the end of the semester when the stress was giving me panic attacks again. But now I'm just . . . sad. All the time. Sort of even when I'm happy. And it's been going on too long. So I went back, even though I don't know how I'm going to a) afford it, and b) tell my folks. Mom didn't want me going back because she believed that, as some one who trained (albeit briefly and in the 70s) as a therapist, she was all the "help" I'd ever need. And also because she's my mom and doesn't really want to think about the possibility that I need "help" in the first place. Because that would be admitting that all was not well with her first born. An understandable anxiety. But not a helpful one as far as the aforementioned first born is concerned. Anyway, yeah I'm not ashamed about being in therapy anymore, but I don't know how the fuck I'm gonna break it to my folks. Any suggestions, anyone? And no, not telling them at all isn't an option. That would be kind of counter-productive to the therapy itself, I think.

Right, so courtesy of JennyBlues , here's that quiz. I thought it was fitting.


You're Roots!

by Alex Haley

While almost everyone agrees that you're brilliant, no one knows quite

how to categorize you. Some say that you're a person with an amazing family tree. Some

say that you're just a darn good storyteller. Others say that you're both and don't much

care where to draw the line. What is known is that your people have been through a great

number of trials and that you are where you are because of hard work. You have nothing to

lose but your chains.

Take the Book Quiz

at the Blue Pyramid.

More later when I'm done crashing off this insane sugar high.

Worst Wednesday Ever - June 30, 2004
Worst Wednesday Ever - June 30, 2004
Theraputic Tofu - June 26, 2004
Quick Note from Vermont - June 17, 2004
No Apologies - May 29, 2004

Created by Andi C. (02.21.2003)
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