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~ July 26, 2003 - 9:32 p.m. ~

Was inducted into the Sisterhood today. I'm going to pretend that involved a ritual bath and a purification ceremony of some sort, which included fasting for 24 hours, mediation, and drinking from a sacred spring. That is, instead of Lexi simply informing me while I squealed uncontrollably. Not that the latter wasn't cool; it was. It's just that the former would be really hard core in a Mists of Avalon sort of way (me? obsessed? Never!).

In other news, the "Bride of Sauron" fanfic is coming along nicely, as is my screenplay of "The Perilous Gard." What? Didn't know I was writing a screenplay? Well, "The Perilous Gard" has been my favorite book since I was 10. I only tell people my favorite book is LOTR or Atlas Shrugged to sound smart (those both tie for number two). TPG is my favorite because I absolutely AM Kate, the main character (and I plan to play her when my screenplay is produced). Yes, I know this all sounds unbelievably sophomoric, but this is something I've felt strongly about for over a decade now, and I am finally taking steps to make it happen. In the 10-year-old version of this fantasy, someone would happen to be producing TPG and see me in a play (or on the street, or in a restaurant, or anywhere) and ask me to play Kate. Now that I am not 10 I know this will never happen, and if I want to play Kate, I had bloody well better aquire the rights, write the script, and do all the legwork myself. Nobody is going to hand these things out, you know. You make your own destiny happen.

Which is, incidentally enough, my advice for the week from my chiropractor, Dr. Santo (and all of you out there who think chiropractors are quacks are dead wrong. This man is like my surrogate grandfather, and I will hear no ill of him). He is one of the only non-professor people I can talk Celtic with, and he has always given me fantastic advice throughout the years. He told me something so basic I couldn't believe I didn't think of it myself. He said not just to dream, but to *know* my dreams will come true. Not wish. Know. Know it deep in my heart, and do everything in my power to make my dreams real, even doing things I didn't think I could possibly do. And as a result of this combination of confidence and perseverence, he wants me to thank him by "being so famous that [he] can't pick up a magazine without reading about me. And that includes National Geographic." When I teased him about putting too much pressure on me, he asked me if I wanted to be that sucessful with my writing and acting. "Sure," I told him. "Well then," he said. "I'm not asking for more than you want yourself, am I?"

He definately had a point.

Worst Wednesday Ever - June 30, 2004
Worst Wednesday Ever - June 30, 2004
Theraputic Tofu - June 26, 2004
Quick Note from Vermont - June 17, 2004
No Apologies - May 29, 2004

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